ZERA Users Vote to Contribute to the IIT

On January 23rd, 2025 the ZERA Users created a proposal in which the result minted 35,000,000 ZERA into Innovative Initiatives Token (IIT) known donation wallet as well as added $IIT+0000 as an authorized token to ZERA’s supply management protocol.

The vote ended up with 85.02% of votes supporting the proposal, and 14.98% of the votes against the proposal. The IIT and Zavane were aware of this proposal during its voting period though consciously decided to abstain from voting to preserve neutrality and ensure this vote was approved solely based on the desires of ZERA’s decentralized users without influence from Zavane’s or the IIT’s holdings.

Prior to this, the IIT had exciting beginnings with previous donations amounting to a total of around 2,000,000 ZERA of which it started to utilize and work towards fulfilling the IIT’s mission. Even with the results of the proposal, the IIT’s overarching mission, goals, and attributes, remain unchanged.

Since the proposal passed, the IIT has taken proactive action to distribute a significant portion of holdings away from its primary wallet and has reallocated across numerous cold-wallets.

For more information on the proposal, you can click it here. For more information on the IIT, you can click here.


IIT Engages in Multi-Year Agreement with ZERA VISION