Purchase ZERA From the Innovative Initiatives Token (IIT)
Last Updated: February 26, 2025
The IIT can divest of its ZERA ($ZRA+0000) holdings to help assist with its goals and aspirations. For it’s current allocations statements, click here.
To incentivize users to purchase ZERA from the IIT, it has entered into arrangements to provide a hedge against potential downward pressure. This is available for approximately 1,000,000 ZERA coins sold by the IIT.
To be specific, the IIT has arranged that if the evaluated rate approximately 1 year after purchase is less than your rate of initial exchange, up to 1 ZERA per ZERA purchased can be distributed to adapt to the new exchange parameters. This process must be initiated by the purchaser 13-14 months after the initial exchange.
To provide some examples of the above:
You purchased 1,000 ZERA from the IIT at $2.00 per token ($2,000 USD total). If the Evaluated Rate of ZERA in approximately 12 months time is $1.00, you can contact the IIT and and receive an additional 1,000 ZERA. Under these circumstances, you could have a total sum of 2,000 ZERA.
You purchased 1,000 ZERA from the IIT at $2.00 per token ($2,000 USD total). If the Evaluated Rate of ZERA in approximately 12 months time is $0.50, you can contact the IIT and and receive an additional 1,000 ZERA. Under these circumstances, you could have a total sum of 2,000 ZERA.
You purchased 1,000 ZERA from the IIT at $2.00 per token ($2,000 USD total). If the Evaluated Rate of ZERA in approximately 12 months time is $1.50, you can contact the IIT and and receive an additional 333 ZERA. Under these circumstances, you could have a total sum of 1,333 ZERA.
You purchased 1,000 ZERA from the IIT at $2.00 per token ($2,000 USD total). If the Evaluated Rate of ZERA in approximately 12 months time is equal to or greater than $2.00, you will not receive any additional ZERA.
The agreement to cover such coins is between the IIT and a private party. In the event of additional distributions under the above criteria, the private party will send the necessary amount of coins to the IIT for subsequent distribution.
This effectively allows up to a 1-to-1 hedge on a ZERA Purchase from the IIT. Meaning that for every 1 ZERA coin you purchase, you could have up to 1 additional ZERA in the event of declined exchange parameters after approximately 1 year. This is illustrated to the maximum extent in example #1/2 above. Of course, this is not the intent of such purchase, though such safety net exists under such agreement.
Contact iit@zavane.com for assistance.
Subject to terms and conditions subject to change or closure at any time without notice.
This incentive is not automatic and must be requested and approved by the IIT based on the terms of the transaction.
“Evaluated Rate” is defined as the exchange rate of ZERA after the 12 month period calculated as an average rate of ZERA from days 366-397 after purchase.