waxc-exchange Amendments:

Note: You do not need to resubmit any agreement unless told to by support.


Note: This amendment did not modify any intent of the agreement.

Update time: Approximately 2024-10-14 21:30 UTC

Section 18: Added missed checkmarks to the bottom of section 18. Effected participants were contacted via Zavane Support to determine the intended checkmark and amend the agreement accordingly.


Note: This amendment did not modify any intent of the agreement.

Update time: Approximately 2024-10-15 05:35 UTC

Clarified Section 18: Eligibility Criteria updated in favor of Party A, clarifying that the exchange is based on the terms of Primary market exchange if reasonably known. This addresses various concerns. For example, if the coins were received as a gift, though acquired in the primary market by somebody else satisfying the terms, those coins would still be eligible despite your cost base being 0 or not satisfying the eligibility criteria. The prior verbiage could be interpreted as those not being eligible.

Previous Text: “If AXIA coins were acquired through the secondary market, the primary market acquisition of such coins must be eligible, as per the terms above. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if you do not satisfy the stated pre-conditions with any/all AXIA. Contact us, and you may be eligible for exchange with a certain number of WAXC, at a reduced ratio for any/all ineligible AXIA. This is on a case-by-case basis based on specific circumstances.”

Amended Text: “The criteria above are based on the primary market acquisition if reasonably known, not any secondary market transactions. For example, if you were given coins from someone who purchased the coins, your cost base may technically be 0, though those coins shall still be eligible. If your primary market acquisition is not reasonably known, you can simply check “all of my AXIA coins claimed in section 1 are “eligible”. If it is determined that the primary market acquisition was or should have been reasonably known to you, this section may still be enforceable. If you do not satisfy the stated conditions with any/all AXIA. Contact us, and you may be eligible for exchange with a certain number of WAXC, at a reduced ratio for any/all ineligible AXIA. This is on a case-by-case basis based on specific circumstances.”

Added Section 26: Adding Good-Faith correction provisions for Party A in writing.

Section 26 reads: “Section 26. Unintentional Errors Corrected in Good-Faith by Party A If any errors relating or omissions relating to this agreement are determined by Party A they can contact Party B at waxc-support@zavane.com within 15 calendar days of the effective date of this agreement requesting to replace and supersede this document or any amended version provided all inaccuracies are corrected. These errors include but are not limited to improper wallet addresses provided, eligible coin count, or information regarding any amendments to eligibility criteria. Party A and Party B agree to act in good faith for the terms under section 26 and the terms of the entire agreement For example, if Party A states they had 100 eligible coins, but later determined they had 80 eligible coins, they can contact waxc-support@zavane.com. Party A and Party B in good faith shall remedy any errors, for example, transfer 20 WAXC from Party A to Party B and Party B shall burn the coins.”

Please note, any party who completed the agreement prior to this amendment shall have the option but not the obligation to reasonably absorb these amended term(s)/section(s) in addition to or in place of the previous text.


Note: This amendment did not modify any intent of the agreement.

Update time: Approximately 2024-10-16 16:23 UTC

Clarified Section 18: Clarified language in example to demonstrate the application to the primary market exchange.

Added Section 27: Invalidation or Amendment of Submission has been added to clarify the rules of the road in the event something is wrong (KYC incomplete, missed or invalid fields, etc). Expect to be contacted and support will help you take steps to resolve the issue where possible.

Various clarifications to help reduce errors in submission. For example, verbiage of physical address, tips on help you check to see if your inputted wallet address is valid, or highlighted areas on certain checkbox fields that require some sort of action (top page 6).

As a reminder, if you submit multiple forms, you need to contact waxc-support@zavane.com.